
Someone : 08 November 2016 10:29

All funds have been released. For any future queries regarding this suggestion, please contact SEKTR directly.

Someone : 08 November 2016 10:25

Co-Funded have initiated the release of funds to SEKTR.

For any future queries regarding this suggestion, please contact SEKTR directly.

Someone : 08 November 2016 00:00

Voting completed and the Co-Funders accepted the change

dancecamps.org : 30 August 2016 08:57

Work on the suggestion has been completed! Co-Funders have 30 days to vote

dancecamps.org : 27 August 2016 18:36

Work has started early on the suggestion! The suggestion was started after $40 had been raised

dancecamps.org : 24 August 2016 10:38

The proposal was edited.
Before editing the proposal details were:
Target Amount: $50
The money will be used for : Something Charitable
The money will be given to the Frankie Manning Foundation

I will create a new intelligence rule to count fields with a specific value, which will allow you to count the fields. The fields you wish to count will need to follow a unique naming convention.

For example, a rule might look like this:

If [Number of Classes] [matches] [three] then

[Count the number of fields where]

Fieldname matches [^CLASSCHOICE_] and Value matches [Yes]

If the count is [not equal to] [3] then fail with the message [You must choose three classes]


dancecamps.org : 24 August 2016 08:29

The suggestion was changed to Accepted status.

The original suggestion was:

If people can choose individually from different classes or levels at an event and will get a discount if they chose more classes it is not possible to verify the selection or calculate the discounts if there are more than just a couple of options.

Option 1: I can use one product dropdown where the customer can choose the number of classes with the associated price. Then there are checkboxes or dropdown boxes for the class choices or the levels. This would be supper easy.

But know I need to check if the customer selects too little or too many classes. Unfortunately, there is no way to enter that rule. The system only offers AND therefore I  would need to check all permutations that create a false. With just a few options this immediately exceeds  more than 100 rules. 

Option 2: Have a product for each unit and use checkboxes for the products. When it is checked the dropdownbox for the class level selection can become visible. Input is easy to check. Great!

Since people get a discount if more units are selected, I would need to count the number of the selected units to deduct the price. So same problem as before. There is no rule and you need to deal with an exploding number of rules.


There needs to be an option where a stipulation can count the number of fields in a set that match a criteria, e.g. Something selected, and then compare this to the number of the selected products. For option 1: If it doesn't match it creates a false and warns the user that the number of selected classes don't match the number of classes chosen. For option 2: rules that match a certain number or are in a certain range deduct the price accordingly. 

Cheers Marcus