Activity for iMessage ( on co-funded.com for on co-funded.comen-usCopyright (C) 2013 New Suggestion for iMessage ( : Better notification options for group chats<p>I would like to have better notification options for group chats to reduce the number of annoying buzzes I get when I am in multiple group chats.</p><p>I&#39;m imagining a type of do not disturb system with options like &quot;Notify me every X messages,&quot; perhaps with an additional option of &quot;If &lt;X messages have been posted since my last notification, give me a notification after Y minutes of no updates.&quot; It could even go so far as to give you additional notifications if certain people post in the group, or if one of a preset list of keywords is said.</p>, 05 Jun 2015 18:12:36 -0400 ?>